
Oslo kommune


Behind every meal, there is food waste, which in the green bag can become fuel for the bus. This goes for pictures of food as well. Many young people are very positive towards recycling, but are still better at putting food on Instagram than in the green bag. Therefore the campaign is based on an already existing trend.

Instead of criticising an established behaviour, we became part of it. We asked food instagrammers to tag their images #greenbag, to remind old and new recyclers  about the green bag in connection with meals, and to make them aware of the environmental benefit. By using google street view we showed people live how far a bus could have driven on the food presented in the instagram pictures by having it move a specific length per picture tagged.

In addition to the digital solution, we conducted several supporting activities in the form of cinema ads, digital boards and on stand on one of Oslo’s biggest music festivals ‘Øya’.